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Je découvre la loi 90-9-1 et je la valide...


Préconisez-vous des "conditions" pour que les salariés soient plus "participatifs" ?

ffxiv gil

I see that fans of the 2.0 often make the mistake of believing we can do a "copy-paste" between the practices of the web and those of public enterprise web. I even read that instead of trying to introduce "collaborative tools" (too difficult to implement, according to some ...) it would be better to promote "participatory tools. Probably because the bosses should be satisfied with the participation of "Collaboration 2.0" rather than their ... collaboration in the implementation process of the companies that pay.Yeah,i want to know more about it.


C'est très intéressant, pour compléter, une tentative de "solution" ou un lien vers d'autres articles pour améliorer la loi du 90 9 1 serais le bienvenu.


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